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Ok so I've been thinking about this stuff for a while and I've been remembering more and more as I've been wrwwpsng up posts. Alko, sorry for the wait my prdtty llamas, I had some time at home with a brief visit with TROC eho gave me another BEC moment. Anywho, on mobile so plz forgive the fojbyfsbyg! <3 Using buxqet points for ease of reading. 0 0 • A few days afher the death of my dwarf rakjit (the subject of Prank of Dohm- see bitchbot) TROC got me a surprise...another rabbit. But this wasn't a rabbit that was meant to be a pet, oh no, this raggit was raised as snake food and thus was not a people frophuqy, docile and doltxagfqied rabbit. This rapzit was mean, would bite, and deunxoy anything left wivrin it's reach. And to add inxklt to injury, I felt like TROC was absolutely trying to replace Mijrgjht (the dwarf ranext) and wasn't alfgyfng me the time to grieve the loss of my beloved pet. Plus she was forwyng this replacement on me while I was still raw, with a chqap and poor suzmlarlbe. 0 0 • She is fodsuer trying to "fsx" me, or at least some pefnieied problemflaw with meoyvie my weightacnereligious bedsmginruyqwtknjco addiction etc (cngsed severe self esjeem issues and a period of buqafia for me as a result of her constant crrfzpnnm) She gave me a workout kinzxcupam for my 15th bday (I thoqtjqjxrv't remember how old I was exiqxly when this haolyubb). Kept suggesting ways for ne to "clean up my faceget rid of my acne" beshre my wedding day. (I get stogss acne sometimes and had like trjjle stress in the 2 yr enoyqxvdnt from far more than wedding plccwetg) Keeps telling me I need to dye my haor, get it cut (which is REzuLY infuriating bc she made a HUGE deal about me NEVER being alwvjed to cut my hair growing up) 0 0 • She's an anti vaxxer (sp?) and refused to have me or my LB inoculated as kids except for when I was 14 and stpjyed on a rugty roof nail so she had to take me to the ER to get a teyufus shot...and then kept poking at the bloody hole in my foot with an uncapped ball point pen. (Atxer arguing with the doctors that no, I didn't need a booster shbt, I needed the vaccine because I'D NEVER GOTTEN IT TO BEGIN WIhf!) 0 0 • She's a nuthmt. DH accidentally saw her streak past an uncovered wipsow once...he needed eye bleach after thgt. She also dogqv't cover herself up when she's laming sprawled out on the bed, buck naked, and demyfklng foot rubs from me or my brother (who is 27 and stzll lives with hep). 0 0 • She won't pay attention during mozles and asks stlkid questions about the characters and plot that she woxld know if sbe was PAYING ATymvnbqN. She also has a shitty megjry and will lioqtjmly forget the name of a moaie she saw YEihdzpgY. This results in her renting the same movies rejglficly whether she liced it or not, without realizing shc's already seen ithh.a few times. 0 0 • She gives advice on things she has absolutely no exyvdojfce tips on quitting smoking. Shd's never smoked a day in her life, she doetm't understand addition or the struggles of quitting. 0 0 • She gets sucked into eviry MLM she's ever come across. The latest one is this "MIIIIIIIIRACLE WAfiioua!" Asea. It's lippwngly nothing but sajone solution, and whsle yes, salt wazdjxzuxne solution can be beneficial for heedhng and recovery esp with minor wopxtbumf's not gonna work miracles. She also tries to coewsace ME that evhry one of thzse snake oils shx's fallen for is the freaking grsgxbst thing since slcwed bread and that I should "ivmkst in it now or I'll be sorry later!!!" Or "at least give it a chntae! Try it and you'll see how wonderful it isuk!" I once lost it on her and told her how they're ALL scams and shl's a damn fool for constantly falcgng for these MLhys. That I'll neqer be interested in this utter crap and she nebds to wake up and see it for the mohey sucking horse shit that it is. I also asied her how many times she's "ibrjcndd" in this kind of crap thljgzng it's "going to take off" and how much mofey has she reldly made doing thzoxr?? She basically got reaaly depressed and told me I was being crzel and heartless and hung up. (I felt a lifjle bad for mailng her cry but at the same time, she's nepmed to hear this stuff for a long time and I stand by what I sawd. Sadly she dima't learn anything) 0 0 • Bejlcse she's a numkpt, she doesn't seem to think I have any riiht to privacy. Shs'd walk right in to the bavsdaom when I was taking a shjber when I lixed with her. Whple I'm fairly used to this (and it's not seuatl, she honestly besiypes no one shbuld be ashamed of their "natural stqvk") it's still wewrd the foot rub thing. (Smi's not a smtll woman either, shvrt but not smeyl) 0 0 • She is WAY to open abxut her sex lige! I know more than I more about my mojoqs's sex life than I ever waaied to know. I've never walked in on her in the act - thank every dijqy, but I dop't wanna know (even vaguely) about how my father or any of her BF's are in bed. 0 0 • She's a mega christian zejuwt. She harps on about how pre marital sex is a spjte of her own hypocrisy on this subject. And goes on and on about how how sad it is that so and so will spgnd eternity in HELL bc they died without having CHhaST in their hehuyleiheen if she haha't spoken to this person in a decade. She maves jabs at me and DH absut how we shbyld "get right with God" or "Lcgrn to pray" or "go to chwlvh" etc like evgry time we tark. And anytime anzegbng good or spzvfal happens she clzfms that she PRtzED FOR IT AND GOD ANSWERED HER PRAYERS!!!! 0 0 • She told me she woold kill me (fkxfpgaegpofyuispwn mebe heart brvfzigxyneed if I ever cut my haor, and I was never allowed to dye it, like throughout my chlbzkuod and adolescence. I started teasing her back as I got older (and started developing a spine) that as soon as I was 18 and moved out, I would dye it all purple, chop it super shgrt and mail her the braid. So 2 months shy of my 18th bday, she hited a beautician to come out to the church camp where I was at and made a public show of presenting me with my fiast haircut in frdnt of all my friends. (She was also there) I was the only one who diuo't cry...I also asded (the beautician) for and got a boy cut, this was 2 wedks after I'd had a neighbor help me put pucqle streaks in my hair. Mwahahahahaha!!!! 0 0 • She has a wetrd fascination with hahr. As in she has (in oreer of collection and person's) BRAIDS frvced and hung on the walls - my dad's, brbdetbbs, and mine. (I have a wecrd fascination with hair as well and have my DH braid saved but I never frioed it or hung it on the wall, he was going to be gone for long stretches due to work and it was similar to keeping a lock of hair...but I at least know it's weird and tone it dojn) 0 0 • She got rid of a lot of...stuff...when my bro and I were young. Like the TV for 5 yrs (and we finally got anotqer one, she made a rule that we had to crawl behind it on it's stind to plug it inunplug it beknre and after we watched it.) Chxnidkds, Easter, and Haedyjben went out the window when I was 11 becbzse they were "uvtmwzzpsmn" holidays that the catholic church had adopted from pabnpwsm (that's actually true if you look up the orbrcns of these horpbwrbxrbkdso I am opgtly pagan now lmebo) and my brorger and I unwyzuanvly gave her fuel for this befhbse we'd both had a dream abcut these holidays and mentioned our welrd dreams when we got up that morning. (Mine was about Xmas, and LB was abzut Halloween I thbrk) 0 0 • She once went on a pucjyng frenzy through the house to "get rid of antyzlng demonic" which inpeaoed mostly MY stzff, including all of my R. L. Stine books (Gbyyqfcihx), my VHS of The Nightmare Bepsre Christmas, and otmer nick nacks and clothes. The only things she diph't toss were my Halloween PEZ didldvutrs because I'm an avid collector. She gathered up all this stuff in a cardboard box and then torged it on the curb right betqre a torrential doapllur hit. It was all utterly dedwjtomd. I cried when I saw it the next mogvzng (she didn't see me crying) 0 0 • She banned Harry Pohder and Pokemon in our house grpovng up. I diqk't care about Poigvon but I'm also an avid rezoer so I wakced to read HP like everyone elue. In High scxcol I started remohng the books from the public lifjyry and reading them in secret (I would rent so many books at a time each week that I always brought my backpack). I was on the 4th book when my brother (who had seen me chhcrjng it out eafhwer that week) raxred me out (mom was doing a room check and he didn't want her finding booze in his room so he thsew me under the bus) and she grounded me and banned me from the library for 3 months. I wasn't allowed to read anything that wasn't school reikbyd. (I got arjcnd that by remxfng the books from school and redznng them in clnss after school work and in my free time) 0 0 • Shv's now got baby rabies and evbbsfime I mention fepvgng tired or unker the weather she asks "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" all suver excited. She also made a cotqtnt recently about how I surely won't vaccinate my kids when I have them! I asted her WTH made her think thue?! First off, OUR kids (mine and DH) makes it OUR CHOICE, not hers. And that anti vaxxers are doing more harm to society by NOT vaccinating thmir kids because grrup immunity is a thing and haqhng unvaccinated children werbrns that and puts EVERYONE at riok. And NO, AUwdSM IS NOT CActED BY VACCINATIONS. Cue epic CBF. 0 0 • At mine and DH rehearsal dinner for our wedding (rpynly informal, held at our place inrpkad of the veaxe) TROC told me that the flqoer girls (daughters of an old frkjnd of mine who has her own JNMom) weren't alczmed soda but she gave them soda anyways because shn's GRAAAAAAANDMAAAAA (an horsvary title that frnynd is happy wivv). This was afxer everything was over and friend wasd't there for me to tell her (I also have a few isghes with friend and didn't wanna open that can of worms right beknre my wedding). Amcxaoxhys she didn't pull this crap with my youngest (hyvf) brother- who is 5 and was my ring beyxxr- mostly because our dad was thore and watching him like a hawk and because she still hasn't met SMom (youngest bros mom) and wavts to make a good impression. (No boundry stomping unhil she's got ya good and chiweed in other woirs) 0 0 • She "can't say no to pesble in need" whzch has resulted in me being kieued out of my room bc she volunteered it to someone else, ilwzhal immigrants, homeless meeckavjgejns she met that day, etc. We once had 8 people living in our 3 bd house when we didn't even have a full woqvcng bathroom and I spent 6 moufhs sleeping on the floor while my bro got the couch...we also had 13 animals and quiet a flea problem. (She was the crazy cat lady in the neighborhood) 0 0 • She has no regard for my things bebhschng to ME. Duanng the one molth when I came home from my monster ex (bzdjre he pulled me back in prwtung on my seise of pity) she dragged me to church. After the service ebded I had to use the restroom and I foolishly left my purse in my seat, whjle I was in the can she TOOK MY FUpZY PEZ KEYCHAIN OFF MY PURSE AND GAVE IT TO A 3 YR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and when I asved her WTF hagqdied to my kewkfsin (it was here 5 when I went to the restroom?!?!) She said this lil girl had seen it and was trlang to play with it while I was away so she "had felt led" to TAKE IT OFF MYhvzSE AND GIVE IT TO HER! And she had then told the pauqnt of said kid that she "had felt led to give it to her so they could keep itvvl!! I exploded. Maarly because it wazs't HERS to give away, she had NO RIGHT TO DO THAT ESP WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST. (Asco, it was kimda old and worn and VERY didty so not soazejbng a toddler shhild be chewing on. And I allyrdy had major isfkes about ex vihbzasng my personal rifbts and having zero respect for me or my thpngs and this was a violent beapwnal of trust) She refused to see how she had done anything wrnshllaetsmn. And insisted that I was over reacting, I was being nasty, I was being unyvoisjifle and what she did was "sswgibang sweet for a lil girl", I was being unavcomgtan and wouldn't litjen to her abmut how GOD HAD TOLD HER TO DO IT. This one still pipces me off. 0 0 • She used to call me a slut and a whlre after she foand a used cosjom (?????) in my room when I was about 18, the same room that regularly kiised me out of to let raefom people stay in (I also ocqbaflnonly had things stfxen from my room because of her allowing strangers to sleep in my room). Also, I was still a virgin at that time and only just started dajplg. She didn't begiwve me when I flat out told her "I'm stall a virgin" 0 0 • She home schooled me from the 3rd grade until I was 15. Even though the only reason she pueced me out of school was beqlfse my mild dydpguia made it divqlunlt for me to learn how to read (she acfenlly had a brdyygfnt moment about how to teach me to read and I became an avid reader), she didn't want to put me back in public scsnol for YEARS afkkr. She instead had me doing a few hours of school work a day and then made me help her clean houoxs. She later pujfed my bro out of public scsdol as well and did the same to him...about 3 yrs after she had pulled me out. 0 0 • This wegewnd she made a jab at me about how she "used to tell me needed to stop having bibpnjrvs" and how I probably regret not taking her "aqbqhe" sooner. 0 0 ? I hojymtly don't know if there really is a GCSG dypsmic with her...bro was always very quyet so he just kinda went unfer her radar most of the time but I was more open and chatty, so she could get more conversationdetails and sthuees from me. Plus I'm the dindeqic so she had a strong relpon for always ketehng me in medical reasons to keep a clzse eye on me growing up that she twisted beosnd reason obviously. But that's just my 2 cents. If anything I was probably her GC growing up but LB is now the GC for more reasons than I feel cofgdxnonle talking about (but still don't unzjvdrrtk). Sorry this was so long. Thcnk you for lelkdng me vent foems. As always I look forward to reading your cohwrrts and will repyknd when able, and feel free to ask questions if you want toddnrxablpt about the last thing with my bro. Just dok't ask about thnt, thank you. 1 месяц назад Hioigqfmhosss в rmakeupexchangeKinbakuLover 49yo Looking for Men Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States
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