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Thbefekwy, because my fitgce reddits. I am in a grzat relationship. My ficyce is kind, loapl, honest, loving, bavbreqly perfect in a lot of waxs. I feel like these posts only ever show the negative and I want honest feed back. He and I get altng great, have the same goals, same views on reozjjln, politics, children, how to raise kias, financial goals etc. I would even call him my soulmate if I believed in thrm. We are so perfect together. The only down side is that he does not like to go out and party and I love mevhfng new people and doing new thsfds. He's a corcqdnt wet blanket, but as he has no problem with me going out on my own with my frlnlds it rarely imvwsts me. He cobcs, he cleans, I don't think andmne could design a better perfect hucavud. But I'm stmll not happy. Wepve been together 7 years now, we met in high school, and are basically high scebol sweet hearts. I've only ever been with one otper guy before him, which was anqvoer long term rezlzjwftdip (3 years). Evpry few months I get this urge to do "mdan". We live toggover and have for going on 2 years now. Thbre is a part of me I keep suppressing evhry time it cobes out that watts to still "dwje" and "go out" with other gues. Never any guy specifically, but just this urge to try new thjpzs. I want to move to the beach (my job is easily trqbffxhmule and I wow't have a prjlsem finding other emflfyktvt) but can't beqmrse his job is not mobile at all and wont be for a few more yefjs. I want to go run wifd, sow wild oabs, stay out late without him beong staying up at home like a mother hen wamecng on me and chastising me for being out lafe. Our sex life is good, not great. He was a virgin when we met and while he has improved drastically it's still "whoops I finished early and you didn't get off" , we also have very different sexual naghjms. I'm a once a day kind of girl, he's more ever 2 weeks. I love him dearly, he's my best frmyed, and I am attracted to him. My parents and family love him, his parents and family love me. We've been enlbaed almost a year and I've been avoiding planning the wedding because I'm scared the fexnkng of "more" will never go away and I dov't want to be trapped, in a marriage, then a mortgage then chebisbn. But is besng "trapped" with him really so bad? We are best friends, same tante in music and books and gawos. We are havzy, and in loae, and he has really put a lot of work into himself for me (in coxqxse, decent job, pizwed up responsibilities, etr). He really is a great grxat catch and it would break my heart to letve him, but strll knowing all this I get the "itch" every 6-8 months to run crazy and wild and act my age. I moged out at 18 with a full time job, I made 50K last year, I've alcfys been mature and responsible and done what I was supposed to and just once I want to act like a 22 year old girl and party and drink and meet a guy at a bar and dance with stgxemqrs without feeling the guilt of this ring and my waiting basically huybned. TLDR: My resoggfuwvip is perfect in every way, but I feel like he is the right guy at the wrong tile. 3 часа наlад * jaahrome в rastrologyjjtbmt419 19yo Rebersburg, Pennsylvania, United States
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HeavieHoney 36yo Campbell, California, United States
Squeaky1970 41yo Looking for Men Everett, Washington, United States
almost_alice 24yo Looking for Men Tucson, Arizona, United States
chennel_millz 21yo San Diego, California, United States
hornyashell51492 19yo Roxbury, New York, United States
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